Round and rectangular rubber cords

Designed for sealing fixed joints with working medium pressure up to 0.5 MPa, protecting cavities from dust, dirt and used in the national economy.


GOST 6467-79 “Rubber cords of round and rectangular sections”

TU 38 105376-92 “Rubber and technical products”

GOST 12855-77 “Rubber plate for transformers”

Tire brand1 - acid and alkali resistant
2 - heat resistant
3 - frost resistant
4 - oil and petrol resistant
5 - universal
Hardnesssoft, medium, high
Medium pressure1- to 0.5 MPa
2- to 1.0 MPa
Round sectionDiameter from 3 to 85 mm
Rectangular sectionMax. 70x70mm

It is possible to manufacture vacuum cords