Rubber rolling sieves

Designed to equip vibrating screens when separating lumpy and bulk materials into classes of various sizes at the enterprises of ore, coal, coke and other industries


TU U600152135.037-96 “Rubber sieves”
Guaranteed shelf life of sieves is 1 year.

RPS-20 (20×24), where 20 – max. fineness of particles passing through the sieve opening, mm
(20×24) – the size of the sieve openings stretched over the sieve, mm

Main dimensions of rubber rolling sieves:

NameWidth, mmThickness, mm Area, m2Hole size, mm
RPS -20 (20x20)595201.0412518.619.3
RPS-20 (20x24)630201.102519.422.5
RPS-40 (40x40)660201.15539.639.4

* – with a length of 1750 mm
The length of the web depends on the type of screen (1250, 1500, 1750, 2000, 2500 mm, etc.)